While senator Pete Domenici had declared that he would seek re-election in New Mexico, he changed his mind and announced on October 4, 2007, that he was retiring at the end of his current term due to a degenerative brain disorder. Tom Udall, the popular Representative from New Mexico's 3rd District, was the Democratic nominee. to easily win re-election. In November 2006, the senator had the lowest approval rating of any Democrat running for re-election in 2008 (with 39% approving and 45% disapproving),[108] with his approval standing only at 42% as of September 2007 with voters saying he does not deserve re-election 46%-36%. The Republican nominee was Jay Wolfe of Salem, a former State Senator. House forecast in real-time. Haley Barbour (R) named Rep. Roger Wicker (R . Since 2003 (108th Congress, 1st Session), the Senate has provided interactive seating plans to identify where each of the 100 members sit in the Chamber and which historic desk they use. He defeated ophthalmologist Gordon Leitch[129] in the May 20 Republican primary. Share This Map. Obama received 365 electoral votes, and McCain 173. [19] Two former Veco executives have plead guilty to paying the younger Stevens $242,000 in bribes. There were several unique aspects of the 2008 election. In addition, two freshmen were appointed to fill vacancies created by Barack Obama's and Joe Biden's resignations to become president and vice president. Senator Pat Roberts sought re-election to a third term. On November 24, 2008, Governor Minner appointed Biden's longtime Chief of Staff Ted Kaufman to fill the seat. Which States Split Their Electoral Votes? Louisiana elected David Vitter in 2004, the state's first Republican senator since Reconstruction, as well as Republican Bobby Jindal as the first Indian-American Governor in the country's history in 2007. Kennedy took 20.47%. Today, Democrats traditionally sit on the presiding officer's right, and Republicans on the left. He selected Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate to counter arguments that McCains age would be a detriment to presidential service. Six of the 69 Democratic senators sat with the 23 Republican and 4 Independent senators. senate.gov - Origins wikipedia.org - United States Senate simplemaps_election.selected.D = ['CA', 'CT', 'CO', 'DC', 'DE', 'FL', 'HI', 'IA', 'IN', 'NY', 'CO', 'IL', 'MA', 'MD', 'ME', 'ME1', 'ME2', 'MI', 'MN', 'NC', 'NE2', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NH', 'NV', 'OH', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WI']; When the Senate moved to its current Chamber in 1859, the practice of dividing the desks equally continued for several years even though the new Chamber was large enough to permit a flexible seating arrangement. On August 27, 2007, state Treasurer John Neely Kennedy announced he was switching parties from Democrat to Republican. McCain and Obama both voted for a 2008 Senate bill to authorize the Treasury Department to purchase up to $700 billion in securities to prevent additional bankruptcies. Elections were held for 85 legislative chambers, with all states but Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Alabama, Maryland, and Virginia holding elections in at least one house. There were also two special elections, the winners of those seats would finish the terms that ended January 3, 2013. Overview and Live Results: Chicago Mayoral Election, Legislative Special Elections, Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin Running for U.S. Senate, Initial 2024 House Ratings from Sabato's Crystal Ball. Pryor won on election day, with 79.53% of the vote. Congress. The presence of a serious third party candidate further complicated matters. Senator, Kay Hagan, has since died. Oct. 05: Senate Races. It only became clear Begich had prevailed when early votes, absentee ballots, and questioned ballots were counted. He had already expressed interest in running and had been building the apparatus necessary to wage a Senate campaign.[65]. [24], On October 19, 2007, the AP reported that despite the allegations and FBI probe, several veteran GOP Senatorsincluding Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), and Kit Bond (R-MO)donated enough money to Stevens's re-election campaign to make it one of Stevens's most successful fund raising quarters ever.[25]. President Bush won Montana by more than 20 points in both 2000 and 2004, but Montana also had a popular Democratic governor, Brian Schweitzer, and a newly elected Democratic junior senator, Jon Tester. 2007 year-end reports filed with the Federal Election Commission showed that Al Franken had raised $7.04 million through December 31, 2007, while Norm Coleman had raised $6.24 million. The 2008 United States elections were held on November 4. [151] Texas House of Representatives member and Afghanistan War veteran Rick Noriega secured his place as Cornyn's Democratic challenger in the March 4 primary, beating out opponents Gene Kelly, Ray McMurrey, and Rhett Smith. In the end, Landrieu was re-elected with 52% of the vote, Kennedy having 46%. ", This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 06:45. Democrat. Former Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway was rumored to be considering a run, but declined to do so. On Jan. 1, 2008, Gov. [103] Three consecutive monthly Rasmussen Reports poll showed Shaheen defeating Sununu by 49% to 41%. ", Jacobson, Gary C. "The 2008 Presidential and Congressional Elections: AntiBush Referendum and Prospects for the Democratic Majority. Pryor is the son of longtime U.S. senator and former Arkansas Governor David Pryor. Robert Luis Santos, of Texas, to be Director of the Census for a term expiring December 31, 2026. This was the first presidential election year since 1964 when the Democratic Party won the White House and had coattails in the Senate and House of Representatives. Jim Ogonowski, a retired Air Force pilot who was closely defeated by now-Representative Niki Tsongas in a 2007 special election, was running against Kerry. Incumbent President George W. Bush was ineligible for re-election per the 22nd Amendment, which limits a president to two terms, and incumbent Vice President Dick Cheney declined to run for the office. She has maintained a high approval rating, and also in her favor is the landslide re-election of Maine's senior Senator, Olympia Snowe, who had the largest margin of victory of any GOP Senate candidate - besides the largely unopposed Richard Lugar (R-IN) - in the 2006 election cycle. Winner. Obama won the general election with 52.9 percent of the popular vote and 365 of the 538 electoral votes. The same Rasmussen poll showed Cornyn leading Noriega by a narrow four percentage points - 47% to 43%. Popular vote totals generally gathered from state Certificates of Ascertainment and/or results posted directly by individual states. Summary of the November 4, 2008, United States Senate election results. Wolfe had 36%. A map of key Senate races to watch. The campaign engaged targeted groups through networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. Libertarian Kent Marmon also ran. Since Democrat Jim Webb had defeated incumbent Republican George Allen for Virginia's other Senate seat in 2006, Virginia's senate delegation flipped from entirely Republican to entirely Democratic in just two years. The states are not interactive on the map unless the split is . Mr. Lewis was serving as the chairman of the Libertarian Party of Metropolitan Nashville and Davidson County. The original 48 desks made by Thomas Constantine in 1819 were constructed in such a way as to form three concentric semicircles on the Senate floor. Graham easily bested Witherspoon in the June 10 primary.[136]. [8][9] Perry was endorsed by Alabama Statesmen,[10] Boston Tea Party,[11] and Christians for Life and Liberty. There are typically two reasons a senator might want to change desks: to gain a better location within the Chamber, or to occupy a desk previously used by a particular senator. Two senators from each state are elected to represent their state. After Shaheen's entry, however, all three withdrew and endorsed the former governor. Reed won the election, with 73% of the vote. 2006 Green Party Senate nominee Chris Lugo originally announced as a Democrat but dropped out of the Democratic race before the filing deadline. Knox County Clerk Mike Padgett received 20% of the vote. [2] Of the seats up for election in 2008, 23 were held by Republicans and 12 by Democrats. Senate Big Board - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times State Results Alaska Ariz. Calif. Colo. Conn. D.C. Hawaii Idaho Md. Thirty-three seats were up for regular elections; the winners were eligible to serve six-year terms from January 3, 2009, to January 3, 2015, as members of Class 2.There were also two special elections, the winners of those seats would finish the terms that ended . Democrats made Senate Minority Leader, four-term senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky a target due to his leadership of Senate Republicans and his ties to President Bush, as well as his mediocre approval rating in the state, which was below 50%.[61]. Outgoing Republican President George W. Bush's policies and actions and the American public's desire for change were key issues throughout the campaign. McCain suggested that government-aided bodies like the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) failed to offset these risks. "The enduring allure of charisma: How Barack Obama won the historic 2008 presidential election. The only desks that are not assigned in the traditional manner are the Daniel Webster Desk, which is always occupied by the senior senator from New Hampshire; the Jefferson Davis Desk, which is given to the senior senator from Mississippi; and the Henry Clay Desk, which is given to the senior senator from Kentucky. This election was the second cycle in a row in which no seats switched from Democratic to Republican, and the first since 1990 in which the Democrats retained all their seats. [62] Nevertheless, McConnell was re-elected by a margin of 53% to 47%. By continuing to use the website cookies for non personal advertisements and analytics will still run. Live election results and maps for the 2010 midterm elections, including state-by-state and county-by-county maps, and exit polls. What Is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact? For the Georgia senate race, votes from the runoff election are counted. Former Representative Bob Schaffer of Fort Collins was the Republican nominee. In 1988 and 2000, the Democratic Vice-Presidential nominees Lloyd Bentsen and Joe Lieberman, ran similarly for their seat in Texas and Connecticut, respectively. [152], There were three Libertarians, including 2006 LP senate nominee Scott Jameson, running for their party's nomination. simplemaps_election.votes_by_state = {"AL":9,"AK":3,"AZ":10,"AR":6,"CA":55,"CO":9,"CT":7,"DE":3,"FL":27,"GA":15,"HI":4,"ID":4,"IL":21,"IN":11,"IA":7,"KS":6,"KY":8,"LA":9,"ME":2,"ME1":1,"ME2":1,"MD":10,"MA":12,"MI":17,"MN":9,"MS":6,"MO":11,"MT":3,"NE":2,"NE1":1,"NE2":1,"NE3":1,"NV":5,"NH":4,"NJ":15,"NM":5,"NY":31,"NC":15,"ND":3,"OH":20,"OK":7,"OR":7,"PA":21,"RI":4,"SC":8,"SD":3,"TN":11,"TX":34,"UT":5,"VT":3,"VA":13,"WA":11,"WV":5,"WI":10,"WY":3,"DC":3}; Electoral Vote Map is an interactive map to help you follow the 2024 presidential election. In these special elections, the winner was seated during 2008 or before January 3, 2009, sorted by election date, then state, then class. They also won a net gain of one gubernatorial seat. Republicans were unsuccessful in persuading Governor Mike Rounds and former Lieutenant Governor Steve Kirby to run. There were 20 freshman Senators in the 111th United States Congress. On May 8, 2007, Rep. Tom Allen (ME-1) announced his candidacy on his website. Governor Bill Halter would challenge Pryor in the primary, but Halter declined to file as a candidate. Roger Wicker, formerly the representative of Mississippi's 1st congressional district, was appointed by Governor Haley Barbour on December 31, 2007, to fill the vacancy caused by the December 18 resignation of Trent Lott. 51 of 100 Seats Needed for Majority Current Senate: 53 ( D ); 45 ( R ); 2 ( I ) Blue Democratic Win Red Republican Win Yellow Other Party Win Light Teal Partial Results Dark Gray No Results Light. ""Should They Dance with the One Who Brung'Em?" Email the Senate Curator, curator@sec.senate.gov. Senator Lindsey Graham, as a popular Republican incumbent in strongly conservative South Carolina, had been considered unlikely to be vulnerable to a Democratic challenge. The Republicans, who openly conceded early on that they wouldn't be able to regain the majority in this election,[3][4] lost eight seats. The Senate seat in Connecticut is counted as a . Pat Roberts currently has an approval rating of 56%.[58]. The Obama campaign also realized its commitment to younger voters by winning all age groups except those aged 65 years and older. Senate Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times Senate Map Big Board Map Democrat 7 seats gained Majority Party undecided Republican 7 Seats lost 51 needed for majority Includes 39. Obama campaigned on cutting low-income and middle-income taxes and raising upper-income tax rates, while McCain supported tax cuts at all income levels. [7] Figures has won elections in the Republican-leaning Mobile area. Sen. Trent Lott's surprise resignation has opened up the other Mississippi Senate seat in 2008. [96][97] Wicker beat Musgrove 55% to 45%. [87] On June 30, 2009, the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Al Franken received the most votes, and Norm Coleman conceded defeat after the ruling, allowing Al Franken to be Senator-elect of Minnesota. Gordon Smith formally conceded soon afterward. Additionally, they won Republican-held open seats in Colorado, New Mexico, and Virginia. Lautenberg won re-election, winning 56%-42%. Controls. Five Republicans retired rather than seek re-election. wikipedia.org - United States Senate. During the presidential election campaign, the major-party candidates ran on a platform of change and reform in Washington. Additionally, votes cast for Paul Wellstone in the 2002 election are not factored into the DFL's total from that year. All Rights Reserved. President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times Election Results 2008 President Map Big Board Map Electoral Explorer Obama: Victory Speech McCain: Concession Speech Exit Polls. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Smith faced Democratic Oregon House of Representatives Speaker Jeff Merkley in the November general election. O'Donnell received 140,584 votes (35% of the vote). Republican John Barrasso was appointed by Governor Dave Freudenthal (D) on June 22, 2007, to fill the senate seat of Republican Craig L. Thomas, who died on June 4. Justices Opened Door to Gerrymander Presidential Elections, How Trump Could Win Re-Election By One Electoral Vote, 3 Myths About Abolishing the Electoral College, 5 Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College, Another Look at the 2020 Battleground States, Imagining the 2024 Electoral Map After Redistricting, The Electoral College Penalizes Voters In High Turnout States, The Winner-Take-All Electoral College Isnt In the Constitution. Democratic former Governor Ronnie Musgrove challenged Wicker. [79] The seat was heavily targeted by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee because of Minnesota's Democratic leanings and recent Democratic gains in national and statewide elections. Illinois Sen. Barack Obama (D) won the presidency by defeating Arizona Sen. John McCain (R) on November 4, 2008. Each had voted for the Republican nominee in 2004 and contributed to Obama's sizable Electoral College victory. The Democratic nominee was 2nd district Congressman Mark Udall of Boulder who announced on January 15, 2007, that he would seek the seat and did not draw significant primary opposition. Content Responsibility | Biden's Republican opponent in the Senate race, conservative political commentator Christine O'Donnell, tried to make an issue of Biden's dual campaigns, claiming that serving his constituents is not important to him. [138] However, because he lost the Democratic primary, Cone was not listed on the ballot under the state's sore loser law.[139]. On October 4, 2007, senator Craig announced he will not seek re-election, but would remain in office until the end of his term.[48]. By December 2007, a credit crisis related to overextension of subprime mortgage-backed securities led to a significant recession. He was replaced by Scott Brown in the 2010 United States Senate special election in Massachusetts. The incumbent governors of Puerto Rico, Anbal Acevedo Vil, and American Samoa, Togiola Tulafono, were also up for re-election. In this cycle the DSCC was more successful at fundraising. This marked the first time that Nebraska has split its electoral vote since it moved away from the winner-take-all method in 1992. Obama became the nations first African American president with his victory. [104] Prior to Shaheen's entry, Portsmouth Mayor Steve Marchand,[105] Katrina Swett, wife of former Democratic congressman Richard Swett,[106] and former astronaut Jay Buckey[107] had announced that they were running for the Democratic nomination. New Hampshire also saw major Democratic gains in the 2006 elections, when Democrats took both of the previously Republican-held House seats, the gubernatorial race with a record vote share of 74%, and majorities in the State House and Senate, giving them concurrent control of both bodies for the first time since 1874. The economy and other domestic policies were also dominant issues, especially during the last months of the campaign after the onset of the 2008 economic crisis. [154], In the end, John Cornyn won re-election, 55%-43%, John Warner announced on August 31, 2007, that he would not seek re-election for another term. USA - 2008 House Election Map Clear Map Share Map Style Misc Login Privacy Sidebar Tossup 435 Republican 0 Democrat 0 + 0 0 0 0 435 0 0 0 0 YAPms 2 Beta - Discord USA 2018 House Map Shortcuts F - hold down to quickly fill in districts CTRL - hold down to decrement the color Enable Simulator District House Floor: H.R.1917 Congress [168], On the Democratic side, Casper City Councilman Keith Goodenough announced his candidacy. In the Democratic primary, Figures won the nomination and face Sessions in November. Use the interactive map tool to predict the winners of the 2014 senate elections and share with your friends! Reed's opponent was Robert Tingle, a pit manager at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut, whom Reed defeated in his re-election campaign in 2002.[135]. CQpolitics.com rated the contest as "safe Democrat.". Biden was re-elected with 65% of the vote, or 257,484 votes. [141] According to a November 2006 SurveyUSA poll, Johnson had an approval rating of 70%, with just 26% disapproving of his performance,[142] making him an early favorite despite the state's Republican leaning. This marked the first time that Nebraska has split its electoral vote since it moved away from the winner-take-all method in 1992. The 2008 United States Senate elections were held on November 4, 2008, with 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate being contested. 2023 Electoral Ventures LLC. Localized groups supporting Obama and Biden were able to sign up through the main campaign site, which gathered contact info for mobilization purposes. 2008 Presidential Election 2008 interactive map << 2004 2012 >> The 56th quadrennial United States presidential election was held on November 4, 2008. Senators independent of either party have traditionally chosen for themselves which side of the aisle to sit on. Challenging Levin were Republican State Representative Jack Hoogendyk, Green candidate Harley G. Mikkelson, US Taxpayers' candidate Mike Nikitin, Libertarian professor Scotty Boman, and Natural Law's candidate Doug Dern.[69]. Incumbent Mary Landrieu was elected in 1996 following a recount and was narrowly re-elected in 2002 in a runoff election. His Democratic opponent was Chris Rothfuss, a professor at the University of Wyoming and a chemical engineer, nanotechnologist, and diplomat. Cookies are used to track analytics, serve personalized ads, detect bots, and improve website functionality. These elections marked the first time since 1964 in which a Democratic presidential candidate who won the White House had a Senate coattail effect. Texas has not elected a Democrat in a statewide election since 1994, but according to pre-election Rasmussen polling, senator John Cornyn had an approval rating of 50%. South Carolina's election law allows for electoral fusion. The presidential election, which was won by Democrat Barack Obama, elections for all House of Representatives seats; elections for several gubernatorial elections; and many state and local elections occurred on the same date. The candidates sparred through the June 3 primaries despite Obama securing enough delegates to win the nomination earlier in the race. The 2008 U.S. Senate election in Minnesota featured first-term Republican incumbent senator Norm Coleman, Democrat Al Franken, a comedian and radio personality, and former U.S. senator Dean Barkley, a member of the Independence Party of Minnesota. Incumbent Republican Thad Cochran announced that he would seek re-election for a sixth term. Two more freshmen were appointed to the Senate as a consequence of the appointment of Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State and Ken Salazar to be Secretary of the Interior. Martin, current Georgia Commissioner of Human Resources, former member of the Georgia General Assembly, Vietnam War veteran, and 2006 candidate for lieutenant governor, secured the Democratic nomination after defeating DeKalb County CEO Vernon Jones by a 59% to 41% margin in the August 5 run-off election. [37] Delaware law allowed Biden to run for Vice President and senator at the same time, so he would have kept the Senate seat if the presidential ticket had lost. Collins was re-elected with 58% of the vote in 2002 over State Sen. Chellie Pingree. George LeMieux was appointed to replace Mel Martinez upon his resignation. N.M. Governors House Senate Mixx Buzz. On Election Day, Udall defeated Schaffer 53% to 43%. Occasionally one party maintains such an overwhelming majority that it becomes necessary for majority party members to sit on the minority party side in the Senate Chamber. Thirty-three seats were up for regular elections; the winners were eligible to serve six-year terms from January 3, 2009, to January 3, 2015, as members of Class 2. Politics Coronavirus Jan. 6 Riot International Entertainment Business Technology Lifestyle Health Overview and Live Results: Chicago Mayoral Election, Legislative Special Elections, Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin Running for U.S. Senate, Initial 2024 House Ratings from Sabato's Crystal Ball. With Republican President George W. Bush term-limited, Senator John McCain of Arizona won the Republican nomination in the 2008 Republican primaries. On November 18, the race was called for Begich, who won with 47.8% to Stevens's 46.5%. However, New Hampshire had not elected a Democratic United States senator since 1975. Democrats held at least 57 seats as a result of the election. Sen. Trent Lott's surprise resignation has opened up the other Mississippi Senate seat in 2008. When asked whether the Republicans were abandoning their hopes of holding onto Domenici's seat, senator John Ensign, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, responded that "You dont waste money on races that dont need it or you cant win."[116]. Domenici's role in the developing scandal had reduced the probability he would have been re-elected, and a SurveyUSA poll showed his approval ratings at 41%, with 54% disapproving. Johnny Swanson announced his candidacy in March 2006 for the Democratic nomination.[6]. The Libertarian Party of Tennessee officially selected Daniel Lewis as their candidate for United States Senate on Saturday March 8, 2008, at their annual convention held in Nashville, Tennessee. The selected electors from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia voted for President and Vice President of the United States on December 15, 2008. Obama argued that deregulation of the financial industry led to risky trading mechanisms contributing to the crisis. Each state (Including the District of Columbia) is allocated a number of electors equal to its number of representatives plus two for each of its senators. He sought to be re-elected in a state that has steadily become more Democratic since 1992. Ten were elected on November 4, 2008. The Democrats gained 8 seats, while the Republicans did not gain a seat. Obama won nearly all major demographic groups on his way to victory. Alexander won the election with 65% of the vote. The 2008 election was the first in 56 years in which neither an incumbent president nor a vice president ran Bush was constitutionally limited from seeking a third term by the Twenty-second Amendment; Vice President Dick Cheney chose not to seek the presidency. South Dakota was the tipping point state, decided by a margin of 25.0%. [67] but failed to obtain the required candidacy signatures. In nine races the margin of victory was under 10%. [80] Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, a professor at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, Minnesota), joined the race in October 2007. He was certified March 3, 2008, by the Tennessee Division of Elections as having achieved ballot access for the November 4, 2008, election as a candidate for United States Senate. Tex. Graham easily won re-election with 58% of the vote to Conley's 42%. The last time a Cherokee Strip existed in the Senate Chamber was during the 76th Congress (19391941). Obama won the Electoral College after receiving 365 votes to 173 votes for McCain. National security and foreign policy issues took a back seat to the economy due to an unraveling financial crisis. For more information please visit. Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries Ron Sparks appeared to be preparing for a run, but on June 12, 2007, Sparks announced that he would not seek the Senate seat, in order to avoid a primary battle with state senator Vivian Davis Figures. The 2008 United States elections were held on November 4. Businessman and U.S. Army veteran Bruce Lunsford, who lost the 2007 Democratic gubernatorial primary to Governor Steve Beshear, was the Democratic nominee. Incumbent Republican John E. Sununu represented the swing state of New Hampshire. USA 2008 Presidential Election Shortcuts F - hold down to quickly fill in districts CTRL - hold down to decrement the color Enable Simulator District Electoral College The Electoral College is the process in which the United States elects its president. On the Senate side, the committees are the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) and the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). This seat was the tipping point state in the 2008 senate elections. [167] Wyoming law requires that the interim senator be affiliated with the same political party as the departed senator. Obama won Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia, with Florida and North Carolina representing early evening signs of Democratic success. [153] In addition, the Green Party of Texas sought ballot access for its candidate David B. A Brief History of Electoral College Reform Efforts, The New Electoral Map After the 2020 Census, How the 2020 Election Could End In an Electoral Tie, The Electoral College Is Not About The Little Guy, Faithless Electors are a Ticking Time Bomb Waiting to Explode. Although Kansas has not elected a Democrat to the Senate since 1932, former Democratic Congressman and army veteran Jim Slattery was nominated to run against Roberts.
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