Note: use underscore for multi-words. or unsigned multiplication, since the 16-bit product is the same in either To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. imul assembly 3 operands. into EBP using the following instructions: Next, allocate local variables by making space on the stack. Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? With the one-operand form, the product is stored exactly in the destination. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The two- and three-operand forms may also be used with unsigned operands because the lower half of the product is the same regardless if the operands are signed or unsigned. The CF and OF flags are set when the signed integer value of the intermediate product differs from the sign extended operand-size-truncated product, otherwise the CF and OF flags are cleared. It's not that the result is still the same size as the operands. byte at location var, Examples base pointer allows us to quickly identify the use of local variables Store the result in the EDX register: 2010, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. This form requires a destination operand (the first operand) and two source operands (the second and the third operands). inc License, Before calling a subroutine, the caller should Is it possible to multiply by an immediate with mul in x86 Assembly? Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? jle