shows how the people of the estates live in constant fear of the police. = Hubert nous raconte ce message explicitement, le rend plus memorable/facile a comprendreque si on avait du deduire ce message des actions des personnages Its no coincidence that Kassovitzs protagonists are black-blanc-beur (Black-White-Arab). Une camera a main [5] Mathieu Kassovitz included his own experiences; he took part in riots, he acts in a number of scenes and includes his father Peter in another. ", "hatred breeds hatred". As is usual with Criterion releases, the extra features are excellent, including an in-depth but accessible documentary about the housing projects and riots that inspired the film, retrospective material on the making of the movie, behind-the-scenes horseplay, intriguing deleted scenes (with brief but revealing explanations about the deletion from director Mathieu Kassovitz), and a wonderfully articulate introduction by Jodie Foster, who championed the film upon its release and distributed it through her production company. He pulls them up, starts running again, but they fall back down, when he reaches for me. He tries to catch up. To actually film in the projects, Kassovitz, the production team and the actors, moved there for three months prior to the shooting as well as during actual filming. shows how they can be aggressive towards women as that's how they are and feel threatened by the fact they are from Paris - trying to overcompensate and come across as a gangster. What does the Policeman say to Hubert in the station? It also illustrates that lots of people turn a blind eye to what is really happening. What does Hubert say about resolving problems? "La Haine Quotes." New French drama Les Misrables complements La Haine, offering a contemporary take on social unrest in the Paris banlieues (Credit: Alamy). j'en ai marre de cette cit, j'en ai marre. He never agreed to be the spokesperson for his country's immigrant underclass, but 25 years after making La Haine, writer and director Mathieu Kassovitz, is still asked to comment. It is a protest against the judicial system. Old Neighbor Lady: Stop ringing like that! Vinz- to even up the score. Sad is a young North African Muslim who plays a mediating role between Vinz and Hubert. demande le numro de tlphone dune des filles, Utilise les mmes techniques pour draguer que tout le monde Covering 24 hours in the life of three men from immigrant families one black, one Arab, and one Jewish it stands as an indictment of the worst aspects of French, and more broadly Western, democratic society. This is a reference to all the people that are carried by the system, and that don't ask questions. Indique que cest a nous de les aider, ####### tu vas vraiment fumer un keuf si Abdel il meurt? Vinz: Who made you a preacher? (No Ratings Yet) Le Cinma Franais is an irresistible illustrated guide and primer to the best of French films, starting with the 1950s, through the spectrum of French New Wave, and on to modern-day confections. That's not your real name, scumass! Banlieues ont t prsentes de manire ngative par les mdias The three go to see Abdel in the hospital, but are turned away by the police. At the time, the term (a play on the red, white and blue tricolour of the French flag) had become one increasingly used by the French media, especially after the Paris riots of 1992, as a shorthand to describe those from les banlieues. I miss when celebs just fought! Vas-y! Vous tes agressifs, comment vous voulez qu'on vous respecte? Thank you!! That's the wrong question. But watching the abuse is a rookie cop whose face quietly ripples with dismay, helplessness, and resignation), this is a must-see. Add to cart Add to wishlist. This is because the estates are perceived as dangerous and therefore they won't talk to them up close and outside of their car. When you go to a Siberian work camp, you travel in a cattle car. Love film and TV? You huddle to keep warm. Hubert: Bullshit! Sert a dnoncer lalientation de ceux issus de limmigration, ####### jcours pas plus vite que les balles, Il sait quil nest pas invincible Perhaps, it can also reference this drug uses and this is emphaised by the Said's response "tu devrais arreter de fumer du cannabis!". It's not how you fall that matters. [3] Kassovitz began writing the script on 6 April 1993, the day M'Bowole was shot. -> dlinquance, chmage In school we learned that hate breeds hate! La politique et l'immigration. It is a tribute to the gangster scene in Taxi Driver and emphaises how Vinz wants to be a gangster. Why do you side with the a**holes? You pointed a gun at a cop! Moi je sais d'o je viens et je sais o je vais. illustrates that Vinz has never been educated so everything he has learnt has been from the gangs and the life of the estate- understand why he is the way he is and why he wont change as he doesn't understand that there is a chance it could all get better. On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good so far so good so far so good. The word "mec" shows that the film is based on a tragic story of a person, and at the end of the film he says "c'est l'histoire d'une socit" this reflects that the real problem is with society. Essaye de decourager Vinz de commettre un crime. Old Neighbor Lady: [on CCTV monitor in Asterix's apartment] Asterix! [an old man flushes the toilet and walks out of the stall]. Hubert: Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? Final, 354658960 Kahulugan at Kalikasan Ng Akademikong Pagsulat, Acoples-storz - info de acoples storz usados en la industria agropecuaria, The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, Il narrive pas a comprendre que Vinz veut vraiment tuer quelquun, Admire Vinz, montre sa jeunesse et innocence: na pas considre les vrai consquences de tuer. But forget James Dean and Marlon Brando the real icons of rebellion lie elsewhere, writes Kaleem Aftab. Christmas New Year Questions (A2 - B1) - Powe, words/phrases to use for the exam (speaking), Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Mary Ellen Scullen, Betsy Kerr, Guy Spielmann, Mary Rogers, Tracy D.Terrell, Chez Nous: Branch Sur le Monde Francophone, Albert Valdman, Cathy Pons, Katherine Mueller, Mary Ellen Scullen, Paula Bouffard, Bill VanPatten, Stacey Weber-Feve, Wynne Wong. Language German. This impact wouldn't have lasted, however, were the movie purely a political statement; fortunately, it's a riveting journey that follows three unemployed young men (Said Taghmaoui, Hubert Kounde, and Vincent Cassel) as they wander and try to decide what to do with the gun that one of them has found. Il vaut mieux prvenir que gurir. Ce qui detend lambiance tendue, ####### il vous a dit que je vous trouvais bonnes? Often in France les vaches is used to represent uniformed services (like we use the pigs in English) and the re-occurrence of this phrase in the film represents the presence of the Police over the banlieusards. Il ne montre aucun remord = vit dans linstant present, na aucune comprehension a legard des autres, Na pas compris que on ne devrait pas repondre a la violence par la violence, que la haine attire la haine, ####### Si Abdel y passe, je tue un keuf. This demonstrates that Vinz is actually a good guy as he doesn't really want to kill a cop but he wants vengeance for his friend and he is really angry. It protests against the violence and the aggressiveness of the police which lead to the death of many people. It's how you land!". Rebellion was no longer about personal freedom but about overthrowing the power elites. How's your brother, how's he doin? They have a run-in with sadistic plainclothes police, who arrest Sad and Hubert while Vinz flees. Do you believe in God? The film that predicted the French riots. Study La Haine - Quotes flashcards from Lib StudyWithLib's class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. Un arabe dans un commissariat, il ne tient pas plus dune heure.. I hold out my hand, but each time he reaches for it he lets go of his pants and they drop to his ankles. In terms of self-teaching la Haine, I recommend learning cinematic vocab so that you can discuss props, scenes, shots etc as well as quotes. Tu sais ce que la rue ma appris? Je suis d'la rue moi, et tu sais c'qu'elle m'a appris la rue moi? Sad: Wow, what a speech! Il comprend que ca ne vaut pas la peine/violence pas la solution I used to kid him about it. = on se sent au cur de laction, Des sequences longues, des plans panoramiques tensions vont intensifier jusqu ce que la situation explose. Grunwalksi froze to death. After being kicked out of an art gallery and unsuccessfully trying to hotwire a car, the trio stay in a shopping mall and learn from a news broadcast that Abdel is dead. Quelquun a/AVEC qui on peut sidentifier : tout le monde SE FACHE de temps en temps, ce qui demontre quil comprend que la violence nest pas la meilleure solution, il ny arrive jamais Complete given sentence so that it shows the meaning of the italicized word. shows how Vinz didn't think he would end up like Malik but in the end he did. What does Hubert say about the banlieue that shows his boredom? So I see him come out from behind the bush, holding up his pants with his hands. With the caveat that my selections had to be available for digital projection because of coronavirus rules, I was given carte blanche to program the season how I wanted. La Haine - Quotes Flashcards Preview French A-Level > La Haine - Quotes > Flashcards Flashcards in La Haine - Quotes Deck (17) = ce qui cree de la peur et du suspense car il semble que la mort du skinhead soit imminente. Meanwhile Swedish director Gabriela Pichlers 2018 filmAmateursreferences it even more overtly: Pichler told me she was directly inspired by scenes from Kassovitzs film like the one with the TV team visiting the suburbs filming the three guys and how the reaction looked from the TV-camera POV. The film tells the story of a small town that has employed marketers to make a promotional video to encourage a German discount supermarket to open up shop. Grunwalksi froze to death. -> ont du mal se mettre la place des autres In recent years Cline SciammasGirlhood (2015), Houda Benyaminas Divines (2016) and Mamouna Doucour'sCuties(2020) have all nodded to it, being similarly set in les banlieues and featuring minority groups fighting against poverty and racism for a place in society. Hubert Kound: C'est l'histoire d'un homme qui tombe d'un immeuble de cinquante tages. La haine: Directed by Mathieu Kassovitz. . Three friends from different ethnic backgrounds experience the prejudices of French society in the 24 hours after a 'race' riot. A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Worklife and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. 'La . [12], La Haine was available on VHS in the United States, but was not released on DVD until The Criterion Collection released a two-disc edition in 2007. As is usual with Criterion releases, the extra features are excellent, including an in-depth but accessible documentary about the housing projects and riots that inspired the film, retrospective material on the making of the movie, behind-the-scenes horseplay, intriguing deleted scenes (with brief but revealing explanations about the deletion from director Mathieu Kassovitz), and a wonderfully articulate introduction by Jodie Foster, who championed the film upon its release and distributed it through her production company. Nobody for coke? The A Level French Writing paper is a breeze with these useful pointers from Adeline! On his way down past each floor, he kept saying to reassure himself: So far so good. = nous indique son importance french paperback 24 feb 2017 by karine harrington author 4 7 out of 5 stars 9 . A little line of coke? 11. How you fall doesn't matter. La Haine is re-released in selected UK cinemas today. We aim to bring our readers honest, "[11], After the film was well received upon its release in France, Alain Jupp, who was Prime Minister of France at the time, commissioned a special screening of the film for the cabinet, which ministers were required to attend. 100% Money Back Guarantee . Ne croit pas que tuer un policier soit une manire sure de venger le meurtre dAbdel= trop dangereuse, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (Humphrey P. Rang; James M. Ritter; Rod J. So far so good." Said observes, watching events develop . = Nous aide a nous rendre compte que qqch de mal va arriver aux jeunes, = ils sont gaux car ils sont tous pauvres, marginaliss par la socit et contre la police, Manichenne = il nexiste que le bon et le mal These banlieues can be literally translated as 'suburbs', a translation which is somewhat misleading. E ven the wrong question points to the truth. Mathieu Kassovitz's acclaimed 1995 film La Haine (Hate), which examines the lives of three young men from a . the word "veaux" reflects the idea that they are animals and lack intelligence. ), Criminal Law (Robert Wilson; Peter Wolstenholme Young). = pour dnoncer lhostilitentre les immigres et les personnes de souche (policiers) Still a maniac? = pour suggrer quon devrait pouvoir sentendre bien, << c'est lhistoire dun homme qui tombe dun immeuble de 50 tages >> << limportant cest pas la chute, cest latterrissage >> 25 years on, gritty French crime drama 'La Haine' is as relevant as ever. This is what we hear at the start and the end of the film. Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield. A little line of coke? It is also thought by Jewish people that if you see a cow in your dream, you will die soon, so this could be some foreshadowing. leur vision du monde est manichenne, ####### Un mlange de la musique hip-hop et la musique franaise, (on voit le DJ Cut killer qui mixe des chansons hip-hop de KRS-ONE et NTM avec Je ne regrette rien dEdith Piaf) shows the racism within the police force and that if they don't sound french, they are treated like they don't count as a person and therefore the police believe that they can get away with treating them like this. Its director, Mathieu Kassovitz, announced on Wednesday that he was preparing a musical . Hubert (Hubert Kound) is captured hitting a punchbag in the remains of a gym that was burned to the ground. Furthermore, another interpretation is that Hubert is referencing the racism that is embedded within the system. Hubert, searching for ways to create something positive from his life, is more thoughtful and seems more balanced. Comment ils sont polis les keufs ici, carrment il m'a dit "vous" et tout!". It was a couple of weeks after the murder of George Floyd in May that I was contacted by the British Film Institute asking if I wanted to programme a season of films around the film, to mark its 25th anniversary. It's not how you fall that matters. Most A Level students will sit their French Paper 2 (Writing) mid-June, so we thought it would be worth going over some of the works that will come up! Vinz is talking to Hubert about being the only person who hasn't gone to prison and that he wants to go in order to gain a reputation. We were sent to Siberia together. shows the character of Said, that he is the comedian of the group as he is mocking the Parisian accent. La Haine. The society let things get worse and worse because "so far it's good" without taking in consideration that, at one point, the whole situation will catastrophicly blows up, hence the "It's how you land". Select the second option (select the program from a list) and then in the new window click 'notepad.' it will then open in notepad and you will be able to see it. From the very beginning, in its depiction of its central trio, La Haine references famous rebels from cinema past. It features Christophe Rossignon as producer, Assassin (rap crew) in charge of musical score, and Pierre Am as head of cinematography. It is important that Hubert is the one that said this out of the three, as he is the only one who is aware of what is happening in the estates and in society in general. They reunite at another gathering in the banlieue, but the situation quickly turns chaotic when Abdel's brother attempts to kill a police officer in revenge. Hubert is an Afro-French boxer and small-time drug dealer who yearns to leave the banlieue for a better life and refuses to provoke the police, but whose boxing gymnasium was burned down in the riots. Ast?rix: [still practicing with nunchaku] Mean f***in bastard. This is emphasized by the barriers, separating them. -> recourir la violence sans y penser While Field won both the Cannes best actress prize and an Oscar for her performance, the film has been relegated to relative obscurity over the years compared to the likes of Rebel without a Cause and The Wild One, probably because it was so ahead of its time and centred on a woman. The main idea of the film- hate attracts hate. The film is dedicated to those who died while it was being made. Ont cr un sentiment d'inscurit Ten years on, of all the French films of the 1990s, La Haine is still one of the most widely screened and admired . Y'all think the world is yours? It is a colour coded, character, and theme analysis. It illustrates the ideas that most of the people learn from living in the estates- that if you're too nice, people walk all over you. When Abdel is arrested and beaten unconscious by the police, his friends Hubert (Hubert Kound), Vinz (Vincent Cassel) and Sad (Sad Taghmaoui) try to come to grips with what has . Said is really surprised by the police in Paris as they were polite and this is not what he was used to back in the estates. If you would like to comment on this story or anything else you have seen on BBC Culture, head over to ourFacebookpage or message us onTwitter. Said says this to criticize the use of violence by the police and that they are really racist as he suffered a lot of discrimination. Kassovitz has said that the idea came to him when a young Zairian, Makom M'Bowol, was shot in 1993. In a cafe, where Johnny has been knocked back in his advances by the policemans daughter, hes asked by her friend Mildred, What are you rebelling against, Johnny? to which he replies, Whaddaya got? Heres the rub: Johnnys idea of rebellion is an empty grab for power, an attempt to assert himself as the centre of his society, not to further or overthrow it. Its amazing to read old reviews of the film, which condescendingly depict the film as schmaltzy despite the fact that Rae, based on real-life activist Crystal Lee Sutton, is a heroine like few others in popular film: a single, sexually liberated mother with three kids creating a union at her textile factory and aiding the civil rights movement. Vouloir tuer un keuf c'est vraiment une connerie. 10. You know what's right and wrong? Hubert rushes to their aid, but the officer's gun accidentally goes off, killing Vinz. These rebels didnt represent the true counterculture of the time that was to be found in the civil rights and feminist movements, and the Stonewall riots led by LGBT people. You roll across icy steppes for days, without seeing a soul. Madame, on rassemble des voyous pour vous ou quoi? La Haine had a huge impact on French society leading newspapers to discuss poverty in the outer cities and provoking politicians from President Jacques Chirac to National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen to reference it but it also changed cinema. Mathieu Kassowitz's iconic 1995 film spotlighted inequality in the country. Dis encul, c'est a moi que tu parles. Man: Then go back there and shut the f*** up! Il faut que je parte. Un mois de placard pour vol la tire. In one of the most famous opening sequences of cinema, La Haine begins with a shot of the Earth seen from space. The opening shot is of contemporary news footage of rioters pushing against the police, while Bob Marley's ominous " Burning and Looting " plays. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Si tu tais all l'cole tu saurais que la haine attire la haine, Je suis d'la rue moi, et tu sais c'qu'elle m'a appris la rue moi? On this viewing, what struck me even more strongly, however, was the movies suggestion that no struggle can take place alone, writes Fry. Si tu tais all l'cole tu saurais que la haine attire la haine. What does Said say to Vinz about the gun? The film "La Haine" is a classic of the A Level syllabus, and is suggested for instance by Edexcel and AQA. Kassovitz's directing career has turned decidedly less political (his more recent movies include The Crimson Rivers and Gothika), but his perspective on La Haine and its inspirations remains sharp and lucid. We were sent to Siberia together. Aprs sa mort il y avait 3 jours dmeutes, pillages et affrontements entre la police et les jeunes qui voulaient venger le meurtre de Makom. La Haine is set in 1990's. Set in outskirts of Paris - Les Banlieues (urban estate). The film had a total of 2,042,070 admissions in France where it was the 14th highest-grossing film of the year. illustrates how the people of the estate are seen compared to others. This shows at the scene of the hospital they purely arrested Said based on the colour of his skin, even though, it was obvious that it was Vinz causing all the trouble. They travel to a rooftop from which they insult skinheads and policemen, before encountering the same group of skinheads who begin to beat Sad and Hubert savagely. Causing sh*t all the time! Elle m'a appris que si tu donnes ta joue, tu t'fais niquer ta mre, j'en ai marre de cette cit, j'en ai marre. The plot revolves around the officers trying to retrieve filmed footage of a moment of police brutality on camera, which involves them taking the law into their own hands and hunting down a young kid. This demonstrates how the people of the estates are seen as violent animals by others and their response to the journalists reinforces this idea. Revision notes covering themes, context and cinematographic techniques of Kassow Information Technology (9626) - A Level Notes, Metaphorical Swallowing in Merce Rodoreda's 'La meva Cristina', The Human Endocrine and Nervous Systems (RH33MR050), Canadian Constitutional Law in Comparative Perspective advanced (M3078), Introduction to English Language (EN1023), Gastrointestinal Physiology Multiple Choice Practice Questions, Real Analysis Exam 2016, questions and answers, Ielts Writing Task 2 Samples-Ryan Higgins, Lecture Notes - Psychology: Counseling Psychology Notes (Lecture 1). It seemed obvious to me that the season should be about rebellion and screen rebels but only true ones. Furthermore, it emphaises the way of life of the estates and how it is the norm to go to prison. -> ne savent pas rsister une envie 'Hatred'; released in the United States as Hate) is a 1995 French crime drama film written, co-edited, and directed by Mathieu Kassovitz. La haine (french pronunciation: , lit. Hubert : Sad le chef ?! You roll across icy steppes for days, without seeing a soul. . It's easy to see why La Haine had such an explosive effect when it was released in France; its potent portrait of racial discord and life in the housing projects outside of Paris is at odds with France's egalitarian vision of itself. It was a not-so-heavily disguised slur against a generation of young, working-class people of colour who were perceived by the white middle-classes as natural born criminals. Hubert: Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper? Tu veux tre le prochain rebeu te faire fumer dans un commissarait? = on ne voit que Vinz et son arme One of the most heard about cases is Makome M'Bowle, a young back man who was "accidentally shot . Goodbye. C'est pas glorieux. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. 2023. That is because for a long time cinema hoodwinked audiences into believing rebellion was about asserting ones independence with a stylish look and lots of attitude. A. OP. It's how you land! In the ensuing riots the local police station is besieged, and a police officer loses his revolver. = pour montrer que la culture franaise et la culture de ceux venus dailleurs sont compatibles Kassovitz had first hand experience of the Parisian riots and life . The violence used by the police is presented throughout the film (which was based on real life events- Malik M'Bowle). = dmontre quils ne pourront jamais sintgrer l-bas : Paris cest pour les riches A searing study of working-class Parisian youth living in the citys housing projects, it earned rave reviews, with Variety calling it an extremely intelligent take on an idiotic reality and the then 27-year-old Mathieu Kassovitz winning Best Director for what was only his second film.
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