Neptune transits to the Moon directly affect the feelings, the public image, and personal popularity. Many writers and creative people throughout history have this aspect. . . To the extent that you are missing some important components, a feeling of being off course probably will surface. Financial partnerships prove unproductive or dammaging to your credit. I love you as an astrologer as a rule. November 4, 1952 same aspects. Transit Neptune Conjunct Saturn During this period of time, your security and sense of self-confidence are severely challenged. The need to get away from it all for some peace and quiet now and again will be strong. This can mean that you are especially adept at advertising, but it also improves your relationships with others tremendously. Rarely, one might literally not know who they are as the result of amnesia. . neptune transit saturn, neptune transit natal saturn, neptune conjunct saturn synastry, neptune conjunct saturn transit, neptune conjunct saturn composite, neptune conjunct saturn natal chart, neptune conjunct saturn relationship, neptune conjunct saturn leo, neptune conjunct saturn scorpio, neptune conjunct saturn cancer, neptune conjunct saturn virgo, neptune conjunct saturn in 12 house, composite neptune conjunct saturn. You can make practical changes to reach a higher and more spiritual reality. It teaches you that your existence does not depend on maintaining those. Neptune Transits Square Ascendant You could be undergoing confusion about what you want from life, where you are headed, and how to go about satisfying your ego. Ambition may appear lacking during this cycle, and you may no longer have the same drive to reach your goals. Typically, those aspects of your life that are off now are that way for a reason as there is a tendency at this time to bring to your attention weak points in your form and the way you structure your life. This aspect softens your disposition somewhat, as you tune into your imaginative and artistic side. Those pieces will be offered up for sale. [Extra dimensions, CERN]. The transit appears difficult, yet we hear that a Blue Dog Balloon sculpture was knocked over and disintegrated into many pieces. Look for ways to expand or improve your life step by step and in reasonable, small doses rather than attempting to make sweeping changes now. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Any new situation or relationship will make you see the world differently. I'm just about to have a saturn transit conjunct natal neptune mid April. This problem is particularly strong if you have not been honest with yourself, kidding yourself about where your current life is leading you, or ignoring your dreams and ideals because you feel they are unrealistic. There I watched a movie at an open-air, drive-in theatre: Brother Sun, Sister Moon, sitting in the back of a truck and leaning against the cab under the stars. Sometimes people experience a burnout of sorts that eventually leads them to take a different pathoften a more spiritually rewarding and fulfilling one. A news article came out about me and my astrology buisness but the vagueness around my role at the nonprofit and lack of awknowledgement for my efforts there reflects the immense confusion the owners and I have felt do to changing circumstances around resources (they would offer money, and then have to take it back by choice or by force due to grants not being approved which also seems like an 8th house issue where my Saturn lives). With these transits, the fog is an appearance that business as usual through a forgetting or disconnection from the innate, instinctive wisdom of the physical body - it . If you like being in control, this can make it difficult since what you have depended upon may lose its effectiveness without any reason or due to circumstances outside your influence. Check out the Free online Tarot readings using this deck on the AstroMatrix app. Your sensitivity, receptivity, and empathy is so great right now that you may need to avoid negative, intensely emotional people, or even films or music depicting negative and unhappy imagery. You are more open and accepting on an emotional level. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. what say you sir to this?? So I looked up the pattern in the sky at the time, on my chart. You are in touch with your more sensitive, spiritual qualities, and you are able to express a greater level of sensitivity and greater empathy than usual. Neptune transits conjunct Mercury Your thinking process becomes more animated, imaginative, and spirited during this transit. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording session to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. You may behave in an impractical manner, or you may be vulnerable to deception or betrayal from others. Shed left a message that she was at a rural, spiritual community for Xmas (the last thing I would have expected), and I was welcome to join them for Xmas day. But youre given patience. Knowing that physicists believe in extra dimensions may help you move from confusion to enlightenment during Neptune conjunct Saturn transit. And what is this?? Others are more willing to give you advice and criticism because you are not as rigid and defensive as usual. The best way to avoid such things is to be strictly moral and ethical in your behavior. A confusion between archetypal or inner reality and physical reality. You may work to improve the lives of the people around you. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology, Planets in Transits: Life Cycles for Living. This is a good time to learn about feng shui, the Chinese art of creating harmonious, life-enhancing spaces to live or work in. Your inner world is so full its brimming over, overflowing its banks into your daily life. You should be more vigilant with plans, ventures, or schemes that have unrealistic components to them. Breathe in, breathe out. We had a whirl of a time; then I realized he couldnt put me first because of obligations to his son. If lord of the 2nd, you are prone to misplace things and lack good financial planning and accounting now. Close your eyes; theres a world in there. Neptune Transits Sextile Saturn You may think that the meaning you have given to your life is threatened, but this is an opportunity to find a higher truth and structure your life. You could find that your intuition is subtly enhanced this yearyou might often find yourself in the right place at the right time, probably because your hunches are more likely to be correct. *Your imagination is stirred, you feel inspired, restless, and ready for bigger and better things in your life. 29 years ago, last time Saturn ingress Pisces for good, lots of things happened in 1994. Neptune currently transiting Pisces since February 2012, its been 11 years and now Saturn shows up in Pisces. Only you will know how much hard work went into making your efforts look effortless. Others feel that they can depend on you or trust you, as you dont get hung up in confusing and complicated situations. Your values are shifting during the course of this long-term transit. But this is not healthy and leaves you susceptible to abuse. Your opinions of the world change, causing great disorientation and confusion. *A spirit of cooperation and shared ideals imbues your career pursuits with a satisfying, inspiring quality now. . You can make practical changes to reach a higher and more spiritual reality. Your dreams are likely to become more vivid, and you can be quite susceptible to mood swings. Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Neptune, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Neptune, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Neptune, Los Neptune acts to dissolve what it touches. Added stress will only prolong the confusion so avoid making major decisions if possible. Neptune presents a fog and asks a person to tune into the truth. You may feel distraught, lonely, or misunderstood by others as you seek something more from your life. And so do younger folks born between December 1988 and January 1990. For Entertainment purposes only. Find out important dates in 2023 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunities and health considerations. Your self-image is being re-worked, and you are becoming more sensitive to a greater, perhaps more spiritual, sense of purpose. If lord of the 3rd, you will develop wisdom as you begin to understand the true meanings of what you learned as a child. It is a time when you realize the world . You may have a hard time drumming up the confidence to move forward. Slow down. But this transit also reminds us to look at the good of every bad. I have not researched Saturn conjunct Neptune transit yet. Your perception of reality is changing considerably, making you see things on a grander scale. If you have problems now, it is likely to be with bones, teeth or joints. . Aim to keep things in reasonable proportions. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. . Violence, abuse, insecurity, failures, criticism, anxiety, physical danger came out of it and still here many years later. You see the world differently, and sometimes not quite correctly, since youre not able to determine what is your role or responsibility. Astrodienst describes the event as follows . wonder what his childhood was like? Wow..his Saturn Neptune energy did not manifest as a lack of confidence apparently. Escapism through drugs, fantasy, gambling, sexual affairs, conspiracy theories, or cults could stunt your development. Ghosts from the past haunt you. Your sensitivity and imagination increase tremendously at this time, and you are much more easily influenced by images, the psychic and emotional energy of other people, and the psychic atmosphere around you. You might be afraid and feel threatened for no apparent reason. . Youre going to do your own thing with Mars sq Neptune, but if you know a little Greek (Saturn) you can make it to 100. How do you receive the message? 11 Year Anniversary. Home / Transits / Neptune Transits / Neptune Conjunct Saturn. . Neptune Conjunct Saturn Transit. In September2022, at what point will this next transit begin? : Knowing that physicists believe in extra dimensions may help you move from confusion to enlightenment during Neptune conjunct Saturn transit.. Neptune Transits Sextile Midheaven This is certainly a time of questioning your values, goals, and directions in life, but try to come to rational decisions rather than act simply out of frustration. Career success may have little meaning for you now and you may wish to retire. We don't collect your IP address. If lord of the 10th, be careful about your reputation now and how others perceive you. Aspects In Astrology : Sextiles,Squares & the rest . In your confusion, you will not be able to distinguish between what is real and what is not. Through the darkness of this period, youll begin to see infinite possibilities and the true nature of things. With the opposition, you might feel challenged by others on the level of values, love, or finances. What will it look like? There is the possibility of keeping work secrets if they are necessary for the benefit of all. That is, the world on another level, a more spiritual level. Sometimes this period brings unwanted relaxation of stable conditions where you seem to have no choice but to let go. I tightened up my boundaries at work which has been a huge source of tension for me. Others may complain that you are not sincere with them, you are too domineering or passive, or unfair in some respect. Insecurity, perplexity, self-doubt, and remorse are all common symptoms of Neptune transit. You may be somewhat sensitive to criticism, and you may expect others to be as sincere as you are, so avoid subjecting yourself to situations that are too abrasive or harsh right now, if possible. I throroughly enjoyed it. As Neptune transits a point in our chart, retrogrades back over it, and then hits it again in direct motion, it imparts its own special wisdom upon the point in questionthe areas of lives and parts of our psyches ruled by that point. Cheers. Is this the modern method of presenting a new beginning to the people? You may feel sorry for others and try to save them. You easily forgive others for their faults and are ready to overlook foibles in others personalities. . I will be very curious. You may gloss over important details and practical concerns in favor of idealistic visions and perceptions. Scientists at the CERN Hadron Collider are working on discovering extra dimensions: Even if extra dimensions are small, they can still have an effect on how we experience the worldModels of string theory, for example, require the existence of at least 11 dimensions. You may also find yourself feeling the need to approach others about the way they express themselves and treat others. . A more sensitiveeven mysteriouspersona is projected this year, and this can attract pleasantly unusual circumstances (and people) into your life. After all this time. . Saturn will conjunct my natal Neptune from January to September 2017. At the very least, you have your finger on the pulse of what others want to hear and learn. Soon after I hitch-hiked back to Cape Town to be with my mother for Xmas. McConnell with his birthday on the 01Pis22 New Moon. Placing faith in something higher than you is one thing, but if taken too far, you might one day regret letting life pass you by. Because of your increased sympathetic awareness of others unspoken feelings and states of being, you feel more compassion and a greater desire to assist them. The transit of Neptune quincunx natal Saturn is a period of hard-to-diagnose health problems and deceptive conditions at work. You may also have a "feel" for figuring out and fixing things, but not be able to detailhowyou know what you know. You might find it especially challenging to follow routines, to concentrate or focus on monotonous tasks or work, and to focus on academic subjects that require attention to detail or rote learning. Personalized Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes. You should probably wait until you see more clearly to give what you can. Perhaps we could describe it as a dimension of life that cannot be experienced by our five senses and we can only understand and perceive it . You are able to see whats really going on below the surface. If you cannot help yourself, seek medical help, especially if you suffer from anxiety or depression. This actually happened to me. Accept this confrontation, and examine your world view before you defend your old principles. Tghis is simple. Transit Neptune to Natal Saturn With transit Neptune conjunct your natal Saturn, your safety may feel threatened, but you should try to focus on your dreams and making them real. If lord of the 12th, you may be inundated with alot of unfinished business. The current cycle began in 1989 and the next one starts with the conjunction in 2025 - 2026. You must be very calm to see the new truths emerge, so avoid negative people and those who discourage you. 21 July 1953, 3 March 1989 Some unusual or unexpected problems with the mother, important women in your life, and/or your domestic life may occur during the course of the transit. or pluto? It is a time where your view of the world will be challenged. Simultaneously this Saturn squares Tau Sun in 8. Hello E, I thought Id tell you my story of this transit. For example, you might throw yourself into a new romance that others warn you is not realistic. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. There is lack of certainty regarding money matters. Old concepts are dissolving. There is a tendency to not be aware of who one is. Saturn conjunct Neptune, Aries Point. An opportunity to use your imagination to improve your living environment or beautify your surroundings. Your email address will not be published. We might attract challenging situations or relationships into our lives because of a deep longing for more drama or glamor in our lives, or for a soulmate connection. Uranus is freedom to be in the current second. Areas of expansion but possibly some confusion or unreal elements can include publishing, advertising, long-distance connections or travel, drama, and higher education. You are also likely to form relationships with people based on a deep level of mutual appreciation and understanding for each other. This is an imaginative and inspired period of time when problems are solved intuitively and naturally. Older folks born between September 1952 and October 1953 have this difficult aspect. They urge you to find new meaning in your life through leisure activities and/or romance. Your soul now yearns for a more spiritual or romantic bond. Translate your empathy and charitable feelings into acts of generosity and kindness. These transits dissolve old concepts, revealing a different reality that you had not considered before. You may be depressed because of a subconscious memory of an unpleasant past experience. The effects of this transit will have much to do with the condition of Mars in your chart. Your desires are tender and compassionate. You are more sensitive than ever to emotional stimulus at this time, as your love and pleasure nature is heightened, open, and perhaps vulnerable to influence. Transit Saturn not only conjuncts natal Mars but that Mars is conjunct Chiron. Theres a rhythm to it too, since the Comet perigee, the celestial-terrestial map or grid art, performing art, political art. Everything may happen internally and, unless another transit joins it, there is no indication that there are external events that provoke us in this way. Tendencies toward addictions and dependencies increase. Lmao!! There is good that can come from this transit, but it's rarely fun or easy, even if there are good things happening in your life overall . Lol. In fact, the outer world has become so pressing in its demands that youve partly lost contact with the inner one. Because thats temporary chemistry. However this is an ass kicker of enormous proportions. Did you have Neptune transiting your natal Saturn when you wrote this article, is a thing I wonder. You are more attuned to the world of beauty, the arts, and the imagination. You seek out more expansive, magical, spiritual, and rousing experiences. We both have Sun Saturn conjunction in our birth charts so the conjunction is also a conjunction. You may evade everything practical and solid. You may experience several disappointments and an increase in anxiety or loss of self-confidence. These are extremely good times to open up to the psychic, spiritual and hidden world, but you must have clear priorities, and take the necessary time to change the basic structures of life. Youve heard Pisces meets Aries is like mixing water and vinegar, or maybe oil and vinegar? Simple psychic protection techniques, such as imagining yourself surrounded by an egg of white or golden light, and filling that space with positive energy, or praying and affirming that you are surrounded by the love and protection of a god, or similar visualizations and prayers could be done daily. From our Time Line Forecast Report. You may be on disability for a while or be unable to work for extended periods of time. The structures that have governed your life are no longer be reliable, but you discover many new possibilities. I think it could be very boring and passionless. Your dreams and hopes may begin to . *Work and important projects undergo difficult changes now. AstroMatrix Tarot combines a variety of different style tarot decks but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. It happened to me in December 1977, when I was 20 years old. . *You are more humble, receptive, and less aggressive in your work now. 23/08/2021 Jessica Davidson. It expands your idealistic nature, and it can inspire a search for knowledge and truth. *You are in a generous and tolerant mood during this time period. Romance is highly favored. And even now, if you can see, using even this way I am relating to this fog of emorphous info, (to my mind), instead iof being spun by it, I see clearly, and try to make clarity around me, when those around me, strangers, are a bit confuzed, bringing in slightly tilted perspectives, or at least com on those perspectives that makes them seem tilted. Possessions are not that important to you, and you are willing to sacrifice personal needs for your beliefs and help others. This transit will teach you make your dreams more realistic and grounded. Natal Saturn conjunct Chiron can indicate a rigid personality. Saturn doesn't want to compromise. This is a good time for writing fiction and any undertaking that requires imagination. It was definitely positive. Transit Neptune sextile or trine natal Ceres can help you feel more supported by others, and you can be extra compassionate and . Gentleness with others is the best way to harness this energy. The structures you relied upon become much less reliable. Transiting Neptune conjunct your natal Saturn. At this time, a higher purpose to your life is what you seek, and you rely more heavily upon your intuition in order to achieve it. And next time around, its going to be EXACTLY on my sun, 29 Pisces ! Because of its relative distance from the Sun, Chiron is one of slow-moving celestial objects. . . Transiting Neptune conjunct your natal Saturn. Increased sensitivity and openness to subtle and spiritual realities and spiritual guidance. During this time, you can benefit from psychological therapy. *Extreme restlessness and discontent with the limitations of your current situation incline you to speculate and gamble on ways to quickly change your life. You may feel uninspired or lazy due to lack of motivation or a feeling of directionlessness. Saturn was conjunct Pluto 8th Leo. As you become increasingly disoriented, you will probably question what is real and what is not. As the emotional pipelines open up and the emotional walls come down, you can become more vulnerable to deception. The Artwork should be so lucky. The realization that no truth is absolute will . One message in particular I remember, a radio broadcaster saying the Recession was over. Your mind probably wont be seeing things clearly, as they are. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Saturn: During this time you are likely to question every single aspect of reality. chart February 19, 2012 at Sun conjunct Neptune, transits Fenruary 19, 2023. I know our struggles with getting on the same page are not all my fault because I found myself caught in the middle of relationship dynamics but this transit illuminates how the lack of clarity in my life is really sourcing from within me (or from Neptunes influence). When you're younger, you might have trouble describing or articulating what you can envision or see in your mind. subscribers . Rewards for past good deeds or special projects can seem to magically appear at this time. Is this coming from Saturn? You may speculate, gamble, or put all your eggs in one basket. Live a well-balanced life that includes regular contact with nature, physical exercise, adequate diet and rest, and some kind of regular routine that grounds you in everyday life. Strange, unusual, even obsessive, feelings grip you now. 23 June 1989 This aspect is in Jeffrey Epsteins 11th house in the sign of Libra. The ultimate lesson of Neptune is to help connect us to the world of the intangible. Neptune is natally in the 4th house and rules the 7th. You could get the wrong idea, develop false ideals, and let your imagination carry you away to the point that those who support and care for you are neglected or hurt. If you do not think highly of yourself, other people will not treat you well. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. Energy levels may be low or up-and-down, and you might be more inclined towards laziness or passivityjust letting things happen without fighting back. However, you can also find yourself mentally lazy and passive, finding it hard to concentrate on mundane matters. If the Sun is involved, we dont know where we are heading and we have a hard time defining what we want and where we want to go. Transiting Saturn conjunct, square, or opposition Natal Neptune You may feel at odds with your fears and phobias, having a difficult time understanding yourself and coming to terms with bad habits, anxieties, and addictions. We might attract challenging situations or relationships into our lives because of a deep longing for more drama or glamor in our lives, or for a soulmate connection. This transit breaks and dissolves opinions and possessions with which you have identified previously. Greater forgiveness and understanding in personal relationships. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. Georges Braque 006, David Gest 012, Tyga 024, David Berkowitz 024, Lucy Hale 025, Tony Blair 026, Buddy Rose 028, Peaches Geldof 031, John Edwards 032, Xi Jinping 034, Cyndi Lauper 034, Alden Ehrenreich 037, Elizabeth Olsen 050, Hulk Hogan 054, J. J. Watt 052, Riley Keough 100, Kathy Lee Gifford 112, Roseanne 123, Chris Brown 132, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 135, Charles II of England 135, Stephen Paddock 142. You see the very best in people now, and this eases your interactions and takes the pressure off in personal relationships. The spirit world seems real and possible. Watch, too, for a lot of wasted time or wasted opportunities, as well as exaggeration. Opening to the mystical, subtle, intangible realms and finding great love and beauty there. In the areas of your life affected by this transit, you've been working to establish a solid base of security. Keep a journal of your fantasies, dreams, visions. A general description of transiting Neptune excerpt from the Sky Log report: The planet Neptune is presently tinting and shading your biography, adding its dreamlike quality to the existential stew. Neptune Transits Conjunct Saturn +Problems could lose some of their definition and appear less difficult now. This can be a magical time on a romantic and social level. However, if you feel guilty about not doing the right thing by others or have not been working hard and meeting your responsibilities, this can be a time of fear and uncertainty. I may be too hopeful for a good ending to my friendships here, but I have to believe the lesson that is being illuminated here is possible to seize and level up from regardless of how they feel about me. Neptune Transits Conjunct Midheaven Those that have a solid basis should survive while those that don?t may melt away. Im grateful to know my loss of self-confidence around communicating clearly around my work is only temporaryor at least this period of immense pain and suffering around it is. My prayer is to call in the spiritual illumination, life meaning and maturation possible with this transit which I feel is more accessible due to my Saturn being in Pisces naturally. Transiting Neptune Aspects. Consequently, your work and career gain a greater dimension of meaningfulness and importance to you. 14/04/2017 Jessica Davidson. In fact, this can feel very much like emotional commotion until you accept that the essential purpose of this transit is to open up your feelings in order for you to ultimately become more compassionate, emotionally aware, and devoted. When transiting Saturn is conjunct your natal Neptune: This transit often brings profound disillusionment with life. This allows you to work hard to achieve your ideals. This is a time when your beliefs may be questioned and found inadequate. We wondered. Your opinions of the world change, causing great disorientation and confusion. . *Emotions run very high and deep now. As you chase something different, unusual, and otherworldly, you may lack discrimination in your choices of purchases, people, and pleasures. But first, you must learn, practice, and perfect the skills you need to succeed. You might have a sense of living in a dream world or of being awake in your own dream. The Saturn conjunct Neptune transit is known to bring stability and to make natives more patient and understanding than usual. You are more tolerant of others and less pushy. Cheers and best to you sir. Connecting with the divine feminine. Home / Aspects / Saturn Aspects / Saturn Conjunct Neptune. Age of Aquarius chart Saturn 20Pis15 sextile Sun, under a wider lens, one of the more cohesive aspects between my daughter and I.
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