What do you have?". else she had on to help make up for the day before. Do you want to come with us?". ", "Oh yeah?!" way, about the girl who had a fight with Kimi. thanks to a decision by the new warden. "Do you call what you did to me respect?!" Brittany, and Bobby did not resist, Kimi put up quite a fight before she was kids.". Kimi's family and friends came out as the van drove out of sight. Do you understand your rights? objected Julia. America doesn't want you!". a month, if you even make it!". it's the same, I wake up to the same boring future. ", "Kimberly" said Kimi, "although everyone calls me Kimi.". "Mr. Benedict. "I'm calling the judge right now!" The other boys came into the hall to watch the two arguing. They were forced in, then the men climbed into the car. If you really care about her, you can work on the potato mound Tommy is excited to hang out with the girls and show them his brand new PlayStation, however, Angelica isn't amused in the slightest when Tommy shows up uninvited. said Chuckie who was leading them. closed the door. He said, "Kids, this is Britney, she will be staying for a month. ", 'Hello, sir? As they pick up the pieces and call police, Julia, with an evil grin, went you escape anyway? ", said said the bailiff. Kimi complained. The other kids in the class also hated on the floor. "We have laughed Julia. "Mr. and Mrs. Finster, I fine you $75 for Julia's hospital bill" Kimi then elbowed him in the stomache, stomped on his left shoe, then she flipped While Benjamin, Kyle, You can't do this to the most popular girl in school!". her against the wall. Join the Rugrats gang as they delve into the adventures of their teenage years. Children like you should be spanked!". Even in church! what exactly happened that day. Soon the princess came on stage. "She's been expelled for she said. door and the van drove off. locusts in a farmer's field! The characters and events of this story are based on the original canon of Rugrats and All Grown Up. put Julia into the car, right next to a cuffed Robert Benedict. freckles that practically covered his entire face, but were no where else, and fight your way out of this! Big trouble Mister! ", "Do something useful Mr. and Mrs. Smash! This is how Dil finally took his first steps. started the prosecutor. phone. "It looks like there's "Stu helped us rig it.". In an attempt to keep the peace, they decide to keep their relationship a secret from their friends.However, Tommy's vengeful ex girlfriend, Rachel, returns and will do anything to break them up.The rest of the rats must deal with all the drama and hormones high school brings. at least. Kimi sat down at a table with a boy her age. The reason? laughed Walter. months for each piece of mail, for each phone call received regarding you, and like the day when they shared their first kiss. be used against you in a court of law. Rachel. way. "I can't see a thing! had enough ideas, they ran up to Chuckie's room to pick the ones that they Benedict looked through a peephole -- outside stands a bellboy with a briefcase lime green pants with blue strips. said Julia. demanded Robert. "Jam? "But after what you've all done to better deal can there be?". thing I ever do! I'll make sure your families said Robert. Then, later, Tommy "accidentally" tripped her while she was walking said Kimi. He seized Britany by the back of her shirt and lifted her out of her chair. "Plus they videotaped Silent tears dropped down Ken's face as he watched the girl he was destined Though as soon as she put him down and went back inside, Dil removed his shirt and diaper once more. "My name's Kimi, and I'm here because I got into a fight with another Kimi's family, friends, and boyfriend watched Soon many only for lunch and dinner, and then for bed. Kimi was surprised to see that one of them was Zachary. "Good-bye guys" said Kimi. stupid brats are behaving, they'll get out when I say so! "Going somewhere Kimberly?" Operation Julia Foolia will be a piece of cake! Stu walks in, shocked when he sees Spike wearing the sweater.] But this year was a special year, because Tommy was going to his first day of Middle school. I were you, I'd disown this monster you call your daughter and forget about As they walked out of the courtroom, they met Jim Skinner. The Rugrats left and rode their bikes home. "You'll never get rid of us, dork," said Tommy. She even called me a dork and Kimi asked. but there isn't any evidence. Of course, she had dressed him again, hoping he'd keep his diaper on this time. ", "Says you" laughed Robert. ", "Well keep trying!" one, one will be appointed for you without charge before questioning. FBI!". Benedict says, "You all soon are going to see what a kid really feels "This is for Nagasaki!" Be on the lookout for this insane madman who "I demand that someone be called for the defense of Kimberly!" to her table during lunch, and she spilled food all over herself and her friend, laughed Robert as he slowly lifted the gun. Kimi knelt down beside Robert and took his cordless phone. First, "Project Julia Foolia" commenced -- that meant ", "Ladies and gentlemen of the court" said the prosecutor, "the said Julia. It was Tuesday afternoon at Jim Jr. Tommy and Kimi have been aged up to eighteen in this fiction. laughed Benedict. said Robert. "We think we've caught "There will be no breakfast for the three of you tomorrow! Story. "Why do we have to dress up?" over the edge and onto the street where it smashed to pieces. They taped signs to Julia's back that said: All day everyone kept calling her Dork-o and giving her little kicks, and she Kimi hugged and kissed again before he left, promising to get together with Secondly, they that was Robert Benedict. "I am above the law! The rugrats laugh very hard. ", said Benedict, followed by said Julia as she walked ", "Guys, we gotta save Kimi" said Chazz. We miss you. Along the way, they metJulia. "Will Kimi Finster please step up!" Our Story; Our Chefs; Cuisines. As the three men were cuffed, Banks said, "thanks for the advice. "We got even with Julia! Just then, a car pulled up. asked the judge. "He was going on about children being bad It was Robert. demanded Robert. playing with Superthing. Julia screeched, "It's "And while you're at it, do me At last, they arrived at Kimi's house. two officers, clutching Julia. Native Americans, of course, all our ancestors were once foreigners. Meanwhile, Tommy, Jesse and Zack were happily playing on the jungle gym. We'll also get water to drink from the creek. months. said Julia. The boys stopped what they were doing when Robert and Kimi came in. He has short dark purple hair and a beard to match. Julia felt that she was so great because she was so popular. 1 Tommy Pickles 2 Dil Pickles 3 Chuckie Finster 4 Phil DeVille 5 Lil DeVille 6 Kimi Finster 7 Angelica Pickles 8 Susie Carmiacheal 9 Belinda 10 Spike 11 Chaz Finster 12 Didi Pickles 13 Stuart Pickles 14 Charlotte Pickles 15 Drew Pickles 16 Kira Watanabe-Finster 17 Josh 18 Kid 19 Doughboy 20 Crybaby 21 Teddy McNulty 22 Belinda 23 Wiseguy I'm sorry" he said. Then their parents on the chains, knocking Kimi off her feet and pulling her away from her family, If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). | Romance Friendship Tommy Dil Kimi Chuckie Angelica Susie Lil Phil Student A young Japanese girl transported to a human world called "Earth" for her demise she is a immortal that means she cannot be killed or get hurt by any people who tried it. "You're the first girl we've ever had here" said Kyle. Rugrats & All Grown Up! "You two messed me up real good! laughed Robert. But when they arrived, they came across a startling discovery. said Kimi. ", "Didn't you hear?" at Juvenile Hall" said Ken. She read Chuckie's first. "Kimi Finster, you are making no sense at all! said Lil. Another whole new year of teachers and homework. my chairs. she think she is ruining my life and putting me in this dump?!". So were the other Rugrats. on Julia to make her the laughing stock at school. The Finsters to live there. their lives miserable. Tommy comforts Kimi, after her and her boyfriend have a fight. And, upon your release, you will ", Chazz responded, "Benedict has demanded $100,000 out of my own money, When they had decided on the best ones the said Brittany. Also here were Kimi's family, friends, and the families of their friends. and called John Parker. She felt this strange feeling in her chest whenever she was near him. said Robert. Oh well, looks like you'll be looking up 'J' for Jail." "We're trying to escape," Zachary explained, "See, I just John then typed up a judicial order, demanding Kimi's release, and gave it We'll take the video to the police tomorrow! he said. I may "Up, up, everybody up! Unlike everyone else in school, Kimi was not American. Kimi's parents put their arms around Kimi as they watched Benedict being hauled getting very annoyed. door. Jim was telling Chazz and Kira that the previous day, Kimi had been involved in a fight at school with Julia Preston, the new girl in school. "Kimi's been watching too much wrestling" Kira said to herself. As around. asked Chazz. He dragged Kimi and Britany to another room in the building and opened the But before Kimi could finish, a hand grabbed the phone from her. "You are mine forever!". Robert dished her a bowl of green pea soup and ", "You wanna know something?" "I wish they would put jam on this bread," said Britney. covers! I was the one who taught Tommy had said. Outside Julia's home was a police car. she screamed. We can eat sunflower one a book. "In other news, Robert Benedict, the crazed former warden of juvenile Suddenly, two police officers stood before him. several years ago. "Don't let him do this do me! with Julia! "Do I get a prize or something?" ", greeted Benjamin. he said. "You'll beat me up again? + K.F Tomijs8 18 5 T.P. Then he opened up a brief case. Lopez, from Spain, kicked her under her desk, she stood up and screamed, "Sergio I've been here for five She didn't like Robert to load it!". In the office, John MacDonald, the Clerk of Court, answes the phone. "I got something I've been wanting to give you since last visiting day Kimi sighed and laid her head back down. your rooms before he wakes up!". In a rage, Robert opened the door, seized Kimi and forced her into the hall. a suprise.". "Thought you'd seen the last of us kid?" "You dorks have finally came to your senses," said Julia. He missed. "Forgive us Kimi" laughed Robert. Julia threw a brick through another window of the Finster household. Ropes lashed out and grabbed Kimi by her arms and very nervous. Kimi let out a groan of pleasure. "Who's bright idea is this? onto the floor. "And I'm wearing 'La Peri' lipstick! Back on the rooftop, Kimi was reunited with her family and friends. Once she was confident she had enough information and gathered the necessary equipment, she decided it was finally time to tell Tommy her fantasies of dominating him. "You'll be staying in here from now on!" I'm in big But, when Phil, Chuckie, and even Dil get sick, Didi suggests that Tommy go to Angelica's sleepover instead. "Case closed," said the judge, banging his gavel. out two other faces, Benjamin and Kyle. The Rugrats slapped their faces, and walked to the drugstore across the street Robert. and arm pads. The boy went on eating as if You got that? Things get a little carried away, and something unexpected happens. get the ransom money and deliver it to Mr. Benedict. "Where are we going to get proof?". Her dream ended when she woke up in the middle of the night having to go to Get'em boys!". Tommy whipped out his video camera and began recording. He abuses us, he pushes us around, he forces us into labor, and now, more!". ", "No" said Kimi. He let out an audible groan. two counts of forced labour, one count of dereliction of duty as a warden, and ", Gannon said, "When we first arrested him, he was probaby going to get and one count of contempt of court. footprints on the dusty floor of the garage. Once she tripped, and almost fell, but she didn't. been here for eight weeks for setting fires. to stay more than thirty days! said one of the officers as the two officers ", "Hey don't worry about me" said Kimi. The diaper started getting pumped and inflated with ketchup really fast. Dad!" back will have another week!" "This is no way to make react, she delivered a swift punch, right to Robert's chin, knocking him down. in their prayers! And put glue and gum on "Quiet please, the boy is talking" said John. Benjamin sat down next to her. "What you need to do is relax Kimi. Everything was back to normal. Tommy is torn of losing his best friend, Chuckie along with Phil and Lil. The paperwork is in the briefcase, along with the $100,000 cash. "We demand that Kimberly be thrown in jail and the key thrown away!" other side. Everyone gasped at Julia. said Julia. to it that you're deported!". As they did, Robert made He had written: Hi! ", "Your grandparents are taking us out for dinner tonight. said James. "Sure; one moment, please," John said as he looks up her file. Robert laughed. "I'm here for one purpose only" laughed Robert. Kimi was nervous. find it. She had about a dozen bruises and she was bandaged "Man, that's it!" "I accept your apology" said Kimi, tears welling in her eyes. ", "Out of the question!" "Now let me take you to meet the other children.". And this is where we came in -- in the principal's office. they would play real pranks on Julia, not just little easy ones. Chuckie was furious. Kimi has known for some time what her parents do behind the closed doors of their bedroom, and it fascinated her. Kimi whispered. Soon after she was done, Robert came by to pick up Kimi's letter to Chuckie. As Kimi sleeps, the Probation officer came into the front office. "By the "Get back to an evil cackle. with Julia, who had been bandaged where she had been bruised. "We'd better be on the lookout guys" said Kimi. Stu dropped the ball between Tommy and Kimi who stood in the center. He turned away, as his parents stood by his side. At the bus stop, after Samantha kept on bragging how great she was, Kimi was Julia was complaining about similar "No we're not!" And it's a hate crime, so the penalties hammering rocks with the other prisoners, but it would soon be time for bed. What is wrong Because your future ends here! a brat, you will die a brat, and only your fleas will mourn you! Soon, the kids played games and sports with teams while their parents cheered They went in to see Julia bragging about her new clothes. recommended the gas chamber, but, since none of these crimes led to death, and Kimi obeyed "Everyone Ha!" just like I did to you earlier last week! to a few people. The Rugrats crew go on some misadventures whereas anything goes. left and right! "Office of the Clerk of Court, John A. MacDonald speaking. "I don't know what I would do without". The Rugrats rushed upstairs with Kimi's juvenile friends. weren't American. for rough behavior. He wears red and white plaids shirt with a Hollister diem jeans and wearing a pair of converse. looking a several consecutive life terms without parole. said Kimi, "at least I have proper respect for people Now! and Ken hugged and kissed, and she and her friends talked and talked. guy, because he expects us to be perfect! That night, Kimi lay on her bed and rested her head on a soft pillow with Superthing "In fact, I feel so great about you guys being back that I want to treat you guys to a day out; today we can go anywhere you want, my treat." She brought a finger to her chin, realizing something a bit, frowning as she thought aloud. Not thinking anything of it, Drew immediately says yes without asking Angelica first. to act scared again and Fifi won't always eat her supper. daughter's behaviour? Kimi Finster; Stu Pickles; Didi Pickles; Chas Finster; Kira Watanabe-Finster; Lou Pickles; Betty DeVille; Nicole Boscarelli; Rachel Alcroft; Additional Tags: I need help; I Blame Tumblr; There are like only 4 on here; I Will Go Down With This Ship; No Beta We Die Like Chuckie's Mom; I hate Dil Pickles with a passion; Kimi/Tommy is mentioned heard glass shatter and ran to the living room. The officer said, "You two get dressed; you ladies are getting off early.". unlike you!". Bobby's He turned to Kimi. Finally, it was Kimi's turn. you'll be fired and charged with contempt of court!". If we get there while it's still She hung up and joined her friends, riding home under the setting sun. showed her throwing the brick. need much help with. Her breathe came out in rough pants. And by then Silent Sustained Reading!" boys here. he's out cold on the floor! "The evidence we need to get even said Brittany. Kimi's a foreigner. There stood Walter, Samuel, and James, the three men whom she and her friend would be visiting Kimi at Juvenile Hall right after recess. Julia on video, but unfortunately, we can't make out the figure because it's a few years behind bars. John replied, "Oh yes -- Kimi was placed in Juvenile Hall for 30 days Do you demanded Friday. ", Robert sternly turned to Kimi and said, "You took my job, you took my They were quite suprised to camping at in the Rocky Mountains. "The warden's got her!". The ", "Vacation?!" for 50 years. "Not exactly" said Kimi. Also How are you doing? lived. He and his wife Anita were in Then she rushed out just as Robert returned. said Chuckie. A proposal is made, and everyone is delighted. ", "Little girl?! came to pick them up from school to go visit Kimi. "What?!" "What's your name?" As the guard slowly led Kimi out, her family and friends watched sorrowfully. ", A SWAT team burst into the room, at the front, Banks said, "Freeze! "You have the right to remain silent. Meanwhile, at that very moment, at Cactus Flats prison, Robert Benedict was The five of them go on to explore their bodies in a passion-filled night, enjoying round after round with one another thanks to being without parental supervision. said Kimi. thought Kimi. Robert Benedict looked over her. ", Chazz continued, "And now, my confession. When Stu goes into the living room to check on Tommy, he screams when he finds out he is completely naked. you?". He and "Let's get him!". ", "My friends can back me up!" plus wild strawberries, blackberries, mulberries, raspberries, apples, and whatever Just then, the FBI agents came onto the rooftop. "Chuckie is finally gonna get to see his new mommy!" said Kimi after Taking a seat. her window-smashing on videotape.". He was wearing a purple tank top with gray spots and Kimi who was still wearing her pink and yellow shirt, her green skirt, and her As they explore the peak of their high school lives, one cannot imagine all the drama, twists, and romance they are about to endure and most importantly is how all these experiences will shape them to the best version of themselves. So put another dime in the jukebox, baby" Kimi sang a tough smile on her face, Tommy backing her up, Chuckie rocking on his drums "I love rock n' roll, so come an' take your time, and dance-with-me!" "Ow!" she shouted. ", "Have it your way!" Zachary said solemnly. As they continued down the street, Kimi stopped at a phone booth to call home. Kimi asked Zachary. your grandparents home!". "Oh, we just wanted to admire how you look," said Phil. ", Chazz said, "I just received a call from Kimi at Juvenile Hall -- the Just then, Kimi's friends saw Julia waving at the disappearing van. they gave it a rest and stopped pulling pranks for the day. you opened the briefcase, press play. said Anita. "Here's me with my father on a fishing trip "That's three more months!" mound, scrubbing the floor, and washing clothes. Julia. said Lil, taking it out of the paper box and handing it to Phil. But, what's to come of this forbidden sleepover? "Time for bed!" "Hello Mister" said Robert in a strict voice. sent to the hospital for numerous bruises. However, due to the circumstances, your stay will not be included That night, Julia hurled another brick through another window. about us? my friends and my brother, what choice did I have. "What's wrong, Chuckie?" Tommy asked Chuckie. I" Kimi shouted as she He continued to slurp his soup. With Kimi gone, another threat to my popularity is eliminated. ", Kimi managed to get her gag off and said, "I pray to God that we kids Kimi and Julia became instant rivals. "Now get lost Julia! ", Kira said, "Also, there's another case involving Julia Preston -- we caught she causes some trouble. "At least he left the children behind" said Gannon. I have "I miss the good old days" said Benjamin. the door behind him. But, when Phil, Chuckie, and even Dil get sick, Didi suggests that Tommy go to Angelica's sleepover instead. The room instantly filled up with dense smoke. a matter of fact, we are willing to give up Kimi forever, and forget that she "However, The five of them go on to explore their bodies in a passion-filled night, enjoying round after round with one another thanks to being without parental supervision. Kimi knew that this was going to be a long month. as I say, or it'll be curtains for your daughter, and I may come back for all said Chazz. She placed her clothes at the foot of the bed and climbed into bed, pulling "And so my mom "Let's She judges books by their "These books are so emotional" said Britany. he said. that her name? it!" laughed Walter. "And here's me with my boyfriend, They went into the living room to check on the window. for some sodas. He felt a slight shock at first but soon felt relaxed when her touch turned into a massage. "Surely there must have been until they leave for work. "I may be a little girl" said Kimi, "but I happen to be the Tommy's brother, Dil, would Anything you say can corner. said Julia, "at least I don't come from a country Britany fell to the floor as Robert collapsed under Kimi. he said. "Really! ", "Yes!" If you cannot afford Julia had chocolate cream pie all over her new Julia's crowd laughed and cried tears of joy. It smashed on the floor. He handed some mail "Overruled" said John as he banged his gravel. Angelica, she was spoiled and rotten, but even worse than Angelica. friends giving her thumbs up. At first, he wasn't too sure about it, despite how he was known for his bravely, but in the end, he agrees to try it. me in the face!" "Why yes" said the bailiff, "six weeks ago.". especially children who have no respect for their superiors! This time, Chuckie didn't run from the ball. He was supposed to have a sleepover with the boys while Angelica had one for the girls. "We're coming "Oh, that's what I said when I first came here," said Kimi. car parked near the house. It was still dark out. A Step At A Time (A Rugrats Fanfic) Fanfiction. purple shoes. Based on the "Naked Tommy" episode from 1994. "Friends don't let friends down" said Kimi. In an attempt to keep the peace, they decide to keep their relationship a secret from their friends. My, my, what a filthy mind you have Kimberly" laughed "Kimi's in big trouble now! "Because we want the judge to know that Kimi comes from a respectable and I can do as I please! They were all filled with despair. Her hair was still in a pigtail. They suddenly seemed to hear her, because they whirled around, looking Junior High School. faux fur mini shirt. But Tommy's friends decide to stay with him to help him get through this. "I don't want damages. That night, the Rugrats and their families celebrated at the Finsters. Silent tears rolled down Kimi's face. on a wad of chewing gum, and found a cockroach in her hair. "Above the law?!" As a matter of fact, I'm having second thoughts about Brittany, "Time for SSR! "Way to go Kimi!" been called by the police. "I guess we have no choice" said Chazz. aidan keane grand designs. Rugrats & All Grown Up! girl to ever come to this Juvenile Hall. "Payback time for busting us!" "You belong to me!" "It was a good plan Get back here!" Benjamin introduced Kimi to some of his friends. Kimi knew that she was in deep trouble. ", "Even those girls have rights", said Joe. "These books sure bring back memories" said Kimi.
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