The most common ones are: Incorrect home and site URL. However, you may find that the theme has removed featured images in the coding, and it doesnt have any additional tools to override the lack of featured images. Make sure to get this agreement in writing (email works too). Select the first two checkboxes to grab the Open Graph image, while the other is for using the page or post featured image. I installed the plugin: "Options for Twenty Seventeen" and made some changes to my site. The featured image also appears in the embeds when a post or page is shared on social media sites. We recommend solutions like Optimoleand Imagify. After that, every time you drag the crop box, it will always keep to the 2 x 1 ratio, giving you less freedom to crop and ensuring your ratio remains consistent when creating featured images. Regardless, a WordPress featured image not showing up is both frustrating and concerning. Be sure to Save Changes and try sharing another post to see if it now allows for featured images in the shared posts. Your latest posts should appear wherever you placed the block on your homepage. Learn how to fix it once and for all Click to Tweet. Another element of image optimization involves how those images will show up in the search engines. Problems with featured images stem from various problems. Usually, duplicate featured images arent two featured images, but one featured image and a separate photo in the articles content area. The preview image should look a bit smaller than before unless the change is so minuscule that you dont notice it. Another way to use featured images is by listing a feed of your blog posts on your sites homepage (or any other page). You can click on the Scrape Again button or simply refresh the page and paste your post URL in the field once more. I suggest you to upgrade to pro. Theyre vital to help your post or page move up the rankings. This could be just above your site's title and menu, for example. Lets start with the simplest of solutions, making sure youre uploading your featured images properly. Yet, we should all take our time when deciding on a featured image, seeing as how its the book cover of the post thatll get people to pick it up and read. Now I just need to fix everything else on my website that I had turned off and messed around with while going slowly insane trying to trouble shoot a problem that was nothing to do with WordPress, themes or plugins GRRRRRRRR. Its a must-read to speed up your WordPress site. Its the opposite of only showing a list of your Latest Posts. For instance, we added a Recent Posts feed on the homepage of our test site. If you switch it to the Thumbnail option, those images shrink slightly and usually become perfect squares. Although there are limited simple solutions to remove suspicious coding, your best bet is to stick with photos you either purchase legally or take your own photos instead of pulling directly from Google (which is technically illegal anyway) or finding images from sketchy websites. Note the exact issue, like if the image isnt uploading. After each reinstallation, you should check to see if the featured images are still functioning and showing up properly. There should be no image at the beginning of the post nowjust an image thumbnail preview in the Featured Image module. You can also do this with pages or click on the All Posts option if youre interested in adding a featured image to a previously generated post. Going with the Media Library reveals whatever images youve already uploaded to WordPress. Finally, the featured image shows up automatically when you create a feed or gallery of your blog posts or other webpages. You may have a lot of old posts that dont generate featured images when shared on Facebook. Do you have to have a certain plugin to have it show up? You may have to switch it from Page to Block. In that case, you should keep the photo under the Featured Image area and delete the one in the articles content editor. Get all your applications, databases and WordPress sites online and under one roof. Otherwise, you run the risk of someone deciding not to share the post at all, or your brand looking unprofessional when users do share any of your sites links. Still, its far easier to know the core approaches to featured images to minimize problems in the first place. This is a frustrating one because its a simple setting in the dashboard that tells WordPress to either show the Featured Image section or not. We recommend checking boxes for the Title, URL, and Description. This brings up the Media Library, from where you can choose an image to serve as your Default Featured Image. I disabled it , proved it worked, then enabled it to test and noticed that when enabling it again, this time it had automatically added in the new websites into the exceptions list and now everything works again!! Premium Responsive WordPress Themes with advanced functionality and awesome support. Thats what we were trying to accomplish. Plugin Conflicts. has_header_image (): bool. You can search for the Cover block or scroll through the library to find it. If the featured image fails, you know which plugin is causing the problem. To call the header.php file, you should use get_header (); at the top of almost every template (Almost!) We recommend taking a look at his guide to walk you through those steps in detail. You can upload as many images as youd like while also choosing which featured image should display in certain areas and how big those images should be. If not, then WordPress will render the default header file. I agree Pedro, I have never liked working Gutenberg editor, It has a way of messing things up. Featured images look much better when the width is longer than the heightoften around a 2:1 ratio. There can be up to 3 different headers (and footers) in a document, or each Section of a document. In this module, you can select multiple images from your Media Library. Did we miss anything important? We often encounter people who want that featured image and simply thought that the content editor was the place to put it. The featured image may not be in the right place inside the page or post template. After that, click on the Save Changes button and test to see if Facebook sharing allows the featured image to appear. Your dashboard settings could have the featured image fields completely turned off. Editing a featured image in WordPress is often the easiest and quickest way to resolve an issue with a featured image thats too large or needs some cropping done. This means that as you move the crop box, and it sticks to the aspect ratio. Whenever you make a change, its good to go back to the Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool to promote Facebook to search for more data on the post. Talk with our experts by launching a chat in the MyKinsta dashboard. Finally, you should check the box to Include Image, as this is the only way Twitter grabs your featured image from a post or page. Yeah inside the Editor, when editing a post, clicking the Settings, then scrollow down past Permalink, Categories, Tags, etc. Once everything looks good and youve decided that those old featured images are ready to be replaced, click the Apply button to finish the bulk edit. there is no Featured Image section in there at all. This usually means that theres something wrong with the image itself, or you need to allow larger uploads to your WordPress site. The new dimensions are also listed on the right side of the pop-up window. Click on the Preferences menu (the three vertical dots at the top right). In general, a cover image is far more customizable directly from the WordPress dashboard than a featured image. Kind Regards, Skandha. Click on Preferences to reveal a new pop-up window. It should have a Front Page label next to it. Honestly, I really dont like the Gutnberg editor. You probably have the Different First Page box checked in the Options section of the Header & Footer Tools>Design tab of the ribbon. Fill in the title, write paragraphs, and upload images to the article. It also provides a clean preview of what you can expect to see if you were to paste or share that URL on Facebook. You can now go to Posts > All Posts in your dashboard to view the posts in a list and make sure the featured images truly got replaced in the posts. The most important option right now is the Include Image field. With the OG plugin activated, you should now see the post information and the featured image in the preview. Larger images get compressed and lose quality, while smaller images get stretched out and end up looking terribly blurred. Think about installing a plugin that resolves problems for featured images without you having to do much work. This step involves choosing the image youd like to have shown as the new featured image for a few of your current posts or pages. Stick with landscape sizes over portrait photos. Its also common to see varying degrees of featured image problems. Choose Preferences from the bottom of the menu that appears. For the AIOSEO plugin, navigate to the All in One SEO menu and click on the Social Networks tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page to click on the Next button. Check out how this strategy can help get your blog get more traffic. The reason it shows on that page is because the header image has white areas on the left and right. Getting back to the featured images, its not set by default to show featured images from blog posts when you put the Latest Posts block into a page. Incorrect image URLs. Fix the Plugins or Themes 3. This tool scrapes any URL you want and tells you whether any errors occur with Facebook accessing the information. Is there a way to do that without using an external plugin? Other times, you may notice that a theme presents a featured image in a different spot than whats expected. WordPress Featured Image Not Showing Properly (Or Not At All), WordPress featured images not showing properly on your site? This way, youre not limiting your sites resources with too many large photos. You can do this by simply asking the theme developer, reading the documentation, or going to the functions.php file. I felt I should post it here for those having same issues. For example, you might complete an action with multiple pages. Many blind people are using the internet through screen readers. As promised, three choices appear when uploading an image through a Kinsta-hosted website: Choose one based on whether or not you have your own photos and where theyre stored. After you select an image, click the Set Default Featured Image button. If either is the case, open the page or post in question and look for the Featured Image block towards the pages right side. It is primarily used for replacing featured images in bulk. Unfortunately, an image with malware or a virus is already compromised. The first problem arises when you cant see the featured image thumbnails in your list of pages or posts. For simplicity, well stick to uploading featured images to regular WordPress posts and pages but if youre interested in learning more, heres a complete WooCommerce SEO guide that covers this & everything else, including Schema Markup up for your products and more. Scroll down on that panel and open the Featured Image dropdown item. Find the section called Featured image settings. Click the Choose Image button to proceed. But what if thats not the case? WordPress makes it easier to align images to the left, right, or center. As an alternative, its often a better idea to leave the Crop Thumbnail box unchecked, so the Thumbnail dimensions are used as more of a guideline. We usually recommend editing an image before uploading it as a featured image (third-party editing tools have more advanced features). If the featured image is showing on Facebook, then theres a good chance it also appears on other social sites. Kinsta and WordPress are registered trademarks. Your theme layout does not support featured images. As you can see, a different image appears in the Featured Image section. Uploading massive files to your WordPress site causes performance issues and could put too much of a load on your hosting servers. For instance, the last image in a long article doesnt necessarily have to load until the user scrolls down to the bottom of the page and gets to that image. Not only that, but its essential to realize that featured images display differently when compared to a regular photo uploaded to a post or page. This could lead to a photo owner reaching out and asking you to remove many of your featured images, or worse, threatening legal action. By default, this featured should be enabled, but its possible you turned it off at some point. This isnt a rule, but its also common to see issues with featured images when some plugins have access to your media library or alter all images functionality. Theyre all telling you that Facebook is either having trouble accessing the Open Graph data from your website, or theres no Open Graph data, to begin with. This way, youre able to copy and paste them easily into the Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool. You never know when a human error may result in a featured image not being uploaded to your website. Try to set the images as featured images for the Posts and the pages. This setting controls the sizing of all featured images shown in the Latest Posts block. Go to Appearance Editor. Note: Youre always able to come in here and change the static homepage. However, with the Default Featured Image plugin active, all you have to do is click on the posts Update button. This means you can upload several featured images and choose which one of them gets shown on different parts of your website. Creating a website with stunning content to find that featured images dont show is both frustrating and potentially harmful to your brand. Run your Node.js, Python, Go, PHP, Ruby, Java, and Scala apps, (or almost anything else if you use your own custom Dockerfiles), in three, easy steps! These are excellent tools for replacing poorly designed featured images or fixing problems when certain featured images dont show up in the first place. It is then presented as the primary image for that website item whenever the article gets shared on social media and other sites. An easy way to see if the Open Graph code is activated on your site is by utilizing an SEO plugin. We'll get back to you in one business day. Whether youre overriding existing featured images or trying to fix ones that werent existent in the first place, the Quick Featured Images plugin does the trick for all of that. If thats the case for you, youll have to consult with the plugins developer. All you have to do is click on the icon to insert it somewhere on the homepage. A theme or plugin usually defines it. Our feature-packed, high-performance cloud platform includes: Get started with a free trial of our Application Hosting or Database Hosting. Find the Add Open Graph Meta Data switch and make sure its set to Enabled. Although automating the process isnt for everyone, there are tricks to ensure that a WordPress featured image is always shown for posts and pages, minimizing the chance that an author forgets to upload one. It helps with cleaning out those posts where you forgot to add a featured image or, at some point, removed it due to the original featured image not holding up to your standards. The Add Block button looks like a + sign. It can also prevent people from sharing your work, considering its not all that appealing to share a blog post on Facebook that doesnt have a featured image. Overall, if youre editing an image, like a cover or a standard media item, youre not using a featured image in the WordPress post or page editors. Consider any WordPress issues that may be causing the problem with your featured image, like conflicts between plugins or a. Here, we want to make sure the checkbox for the Featured Image is checked. Clicking on that brings you directly to the WordPress Media Library. I have spent MONTHS trying to figure out why my images were not working it was the Hotlink thing ALL along!!! Therefore, it serves as a backup to the real featured image field, just in case you forget to upload the featured image but still want something to show up. Select the General tab and locate the Description Settings section. When seeking out a featured image, always consider starting with a larger, high-resolution photo. This tells us the plugin is doing its job by adding the default featured image to the right posts and leaving out the ones that already have featured images. Youre better off editing a photo to meet those suggested dimensions before uploading it to WordPress. The most important piece of image metadata is its Alt Text, which can be found by opening your featured image in the Media Library. Our last option for turning on the Open Graph protocol to reveal featured images is called the Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags plugin. There are two solutions to this. Here, you can set everything for the Open Graph sharing protocol, yet specific unique traits for Facebook only. Showing a gallery or list of your recent blog posts is done by adding a Gutenberg block element to the page designated as the WordPress Homepage. A WordPress featured image functions as a visual welcome card, a cue to visitors to come on in and enjoy whats behind a link. Besides, the featured images for each post should be shown above the post title and link. That means only those images will get replaced by the new image. It results in an image duplication issue like this: Obviously, you dont want this. The great part about this plugin is that it doesnt replace the featured images you already have on your posts. The Thumbnail size is the featured image shown in other parts of your website, outside of the post itself. The last way to edit featured images in WordPress involves cropping the image but maintaining a certain aspect ratio. This is particularly important if youre highlighting your recent posts on the homepage. If not, how do you go about fixing that problem? Note: Featured images get pulled from WordPress and populated on social media sites with the use of something called Open Graph. Now, go to your Facebook page (personal or business) and paste a link with a featured image into the Status field. Select the Twitter Cards tab to show the settings to configure your Twitter Card Tags. Scroll through the list of pages to locate the one you assigned as the Homepage. Youre better off using a plugin that can override the conflict than swapping out your entire theme and redesigning your website just to fix featured images. This is important because the bulk edit is permanent, so you want to be sure of your actions at each step. This article shows you how you can fix WordPress featured images not showing properly on your website. Under there, youll find a field called Featured Image. You can also do this with pages or click on the All Posts option if you're interested in adding a featured image to a previously generated post. Click the featured image thumbnail to access its various settings. Think about using the built-in image editing tools in WordPress for featured images that are already uploaded but could use some changes. You can see that two of my posts now have a new featured image, and theyre the same images. A first page header\footer. However, youre usually going to opt for the one titled Replace featured images by the selected image. This allows you to upload an image that will replace as many current featured images as you want. You can also test this out for the other social networks like Twitter and Pinterest. Hit the Enter key to activate the crop and see the result in the preview. As a test, lets visit a post that already has a featured image included with the article. To edit featured images in WordPress, open a post and scroll to the Featured Images section in the Post Settings panel. Deleted all plugins. For instance, all of your featured images could have a black and white filter. Featured images dont show up as thumbnails in your lists of posts and pages on the dashboard. The featured image is prone to human error, considering the page or post author must manually upload a featured image whenever creating a new webpage. The plugin also has a wonderful native search engine that pulls from places like Google, Pixabay, and Unsplash. But didn't notice the header image was missing from the desktop view until today. Some non-WordPress image editing tools you can use are GIMP, Photoshop Express, and Paint.NET. Simply select the image by clicking on it, and then click on alignment button from the block toolbar. Its also rather common to adjust the cover to fill the pages full width, making it even more effective to introduce an article or a separator between sections. The Quick Featured Images plugin handles bulk editing for featured images along with a myriad of other functionalities, like adding a default featured image for all posts or setting presets for default featured images. It also helps when your older posts dont have appropriate featured images. I checked several of your other pages and do not see any with narrower header images like on that page, so I've limited this change to only that specific page by using its unique page id CSS class from the opening body html tag.
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